Why join the i-3s programme? Here’s our story.



By joining this programme, your school will enjoy and gain the following experiences:



1. School Canteen/Bookstore Operators


  • Easier sales method for operators.
  • Do not need to keep cash at the store or carry cash to the bank for deposit.
  • Increase sales as students cannot buy from hawkers outside.
  • Prevent lost/stolen cash at the school will increase in purchasing power of students and other users.
  • Will receive cash next day via bank account, thus requiring no change in cashflow requirement and management.


2. Students/Teachers


  • No risk of keeping cash in school and in transit when going/returning from school.
  • Safe school environment as money related disciplinary issues such as theft and bullying can be curbed.
  • Eating quality food as transactions are monitored and students are also unable to purchase “junk” food from hawkers patronizing outside their school.
  • Lost card is replaceable fast and respective credit can be returned to rightful owner.
  • School ID card can be used for other applications such as payment for public transport, books and sports items, F&B outlets etc (upgradable).


3. Parents


  • Credit reload convenience is key to success of any e-payment card and this can be done weekly or monthly at many places such as mobile app, web portal, bank ATM and cash deposits at banks and schools (optional).
  • Do not need to prepare loose change for children everyday.
  • Can prevent bad spending or overspending habit of their children.
  • Safer school environment of their children as parents are able to monitor their child’s school attendance instantly.
  • Better food quality as their children can only spend at school canteen.



Join our programme by filling the form below. Don’t get left behind!

  • No. Tel. & Faks:
  • Maklumat Sekolah:
  • Maklumat PK HEM:
  • Maklumat Guru Data: